Monday, May 9, 2011

Post 9: This Week in Science (Fruit Flies Part 2)

In science this Last week & this week i did alot of insterting things about fruit flies.My gruoup finally got a chance to put our spider in the tank at first i was scared to put spiders inside of the tanks beacuse i dont like them . Then we put the fruit flies insidee of the tank which is what spiders eat. At first we had to put the fruit flies to sleeep and the treatment is called " Flienap " We waiting 4 mintures for the fruit flies to really fall asleeep then we places the fruit flies on paper .. to seee what ones what the men and the female and we had 4 males and 2 female :) I wonder hoow muchhh baby its going to makeee !! ...

This whole week i learned the differnce between a male fruiit fliee to a female ... The male has the darker bottom and the female Lighter bottom so thats how we was able to tell the difference so learned how much baby the female fruit purdoses in a day :) which is 20 babys . Thats alot. Umm i also learned how to set up my Hypothesis .

Friday, April 29, 2011

Post 8: This Week in Science (Fruit Flies Part 1)

Paragraph 1: What did you DO this week in science?

This week in science i worked on a lot of stuff ...!!

Paragraph 2: What did you LEARN this week in science?
 I learned that there are four distinct stage in the life of the fruit flies : there the egg stages , Larva , then pupa , then finally it turns into the adult :) The adult fruit flies may live as eight weeks under oprimal conditions. The day hen the egg is being laid the larva would hatch. Fruit flies hass three instars. The cuticle of the third instar harden and darkens to become the puparuim. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Post # 7 - This week in science ( ECOSYSTEM)

Me and Angel :) - He picked up a BIG worm !

Me and Anmo In science looking at Durt :p
What did you LEARN this week in science? These two weeks in science i learned a lot. I learned how moss grows on the rock in our habbit tank. And how insects will survive in the tank ... Also I learned intersting facts about ants . I learned that ant live all over the place and they like to eat sweet stuff anything they find they would eat .... Also the Carbon - Oxyen - Cycle ...

    What did you DO this week in science?  Over the pass two weeks in science class i Desgin My Habbit tank with my group .. Quandasha.. Danielle.... And Anmo .. we had to draw it out first on ha blank paper so we can get a idea on how we want it to look. I aslo went to a community garden around my school with my class .. In the community garden i looked for different kinds of insects so i can put them in my habbit tank ... We meet a man name Bob that work there is was ah very nice guy but there was to much rules .. At first i didnt want to touch the different kind of insects but when i picked one i got used to it .  We also took a test and had to do test corrections on the answers we got wrong by our self or with a partern. We also did a Question wall with different questionw we have about how tank .. One of my questions is : How does the moss grow on the rock ?

    What are you still UNSURE of or CURIOUS about?
    Ummm im still unsure about how my insects is going to survuve in the tank if the tank is closed up with no air and not that much water inside of it.

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    This week in science =

    This week in science i desgined my own spider habbit with my group.. Quandasha and Danielle , And Anmo.
    Inside of my spiders habbits its going to have Pebbels , Durt, A toy tree i dont knoe why but its just so it culd look nice... a case that has fly so when the spider gets hungrey thats what its could eat .. And ahh ladder so it could

    Friday, March 25, 2011

    This week in science

    • What i did in science this week was played "Oh Deer with my class i recorded the data ... Yesterday i played a card game that help its us learned of about the differernt kinds of relation ship. We also watched a video of different relisonships and learn the relionships from there..

    • This week in science i learn alot of different things On the 23rd of march i played a game called ' Oh Deer' to learn how limiting factors could affectt the carrying capacity. We also recoded the data from the game 'Oh Deer ' . Alica and Messlica thought the class  new vocabuley words like ; Predor/ Prey = Predor eats the prey .2. symbotic relationship ..
    • 1. Mulalism - ( +/+)
    • 2. Commen salum *(+/ -)
    • 3. Poratism - (+/-)

                                                 PICTURE OF THE CARD GAME !

    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    My Fantasy Habitat

    • What I DID this week in science class was to look up my animal which was the Killer Whale . I researched the Abiotic and the Biotic things about the animal and i had to finally draw i got a chance to draw my animal.
    • This week in science I LEARNED many different things about my animal which was the : Killer Whale . I learned what type of food they eat which is : Penguins , fish , squids , dolphins , and seal ... and the Ablotic: they need Sun ( light ) , Water ( Salt ) , rock and sand, oxygen , pediatric , system, clouds , temperature water movement weather . i didn't get to much information on Biotic -___-. I also got some really intersecting things about my animal that i didn't even know about like the length of an Killer Whale : 18 - 30ft (5.5) 9m they weigh up to 10 tons . There habits in open water areas of broken sea ice .
    Mahh Killer Whale drawing :) !!!

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    This Week in Science: Energy Transfer

    Paragraph 1 (What I DID): This week in science I did... On monday i finished my famsty habbits , And i also did a energy primaird and a food chain about my primary consumer the "Killer Whale." and i did all kinds of reseach on my animeal ..Learning what my animals eats , the habbits they live in

    Paragraph 2 (What I LEARNED): This week in science i learned about my primary consumer the" Killer Whale " i learned how to form a food chain to show what makes up a killer whale. and i also learned more new Vocabulary: Producer, Consuim , Primary consumer , Secondy consumer , Tertoiy ,Authotoph , Heterpoh , Herbivore , Carivore and more.......... At first i thought those words was really hard to understand as the Mellisa and Alisa expanded it to me then i started to understand the words more better.

    Monday, February 14, 2011

    This week in science!

     Paragraph 1 - What i DID in science this week.

    On the first day of the unit. We set up our first blog post! This post tittle named was "First Impressions. i was kinda talking about how i don't like frogs .On the second day, we finished customizing our blogs and we updated our profiles to make it better. Then, in the notebooks, we wrote some wonderful  facts about frogs. We researched a lot of good facts about frog to see what they are like. In Block 2, we finally got to start the dissection! Ugh!!! i was scared!!!! At first i thought my frog was a frog because of the size of the frog i thought male frog was bigger then the women frog but i thought wrong at first we named our frog "Iziah".. i didn't want to touch the frog because it look scary to touch and the smell of the frog was killing me. But i faced my fear of the frog and my roll was to me the "Physician's Assent". I had to help pass the different kind of tools to my parent and at the same time we was taking turn when open the frog up. After a while i decided to remove the stomach which was nasty =p .and under that i saw a lot of the frogs baby's in it -__- so our new name was " Isiah" :)

    Paragraph 2 - What i LEARNED in science this week.

    I learned that frogs body part are just like humans in many different ways like they have
    a heart, lungs, liver, intestines, stomach, pancreas, and spleen.i found alot of fat inside of the woment i thinks they have fat body so they can store the foood inside of that. But when i looked inside of her stomack i didnt see no foood inside of it. I WONDER IF THE FROG ATE WHEN SHE WAS PREGNANT HAVE THE BABYS?
    I learned how to tell the differences between a male frog and a women frog by looking at the size of there thumbs and i never knew that before so that was something new that i learned.

    This is all the babys and fat that came out of the frog! * I picked this picture beacuse i wanted to show how much fat and babys this frog had inside of it.
    There we placed alll the imporant orgins on to the paper. I picked this picture so you can knoe what are the name of the orgins that cane out the frog.*
    Here is how the frog looked after we toook out all the imporant orging out of it. * I picked this pictrure to show how the frog look inside without some of  his orgins.*
    Here we are starting to open up the frog to see what kinds of thing we are going to find inside. * I picked this to show you how we open the frog and what side we besided to open it from*.
    This is how the frog looked before we open inside of it.* I picked this picture to show you how the frig looked beofre we open it up with the different kinds of tools we had.

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Nkenge's 1st Post :)

    Frog well i dont like them there ugly and they look nasty but i would love to explore what type of body origins they have inside of them. i never dissected a frog before so this is my first time and im kind of scared because i dont know what is going to happen.