Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Fantasy Habitat

  • What I DID this week in science class was to look up my animal which was the Killer Whale . I researched the Abiotic and the Biotic things about the animal and i had to finally draw i got a chance to draw my animal.
  • This week in science I LEARNED many different things about my animal which was the : Killer Whale . I learned what type of food they eat which is : Penguins , fish , squids , dolphins , and seal ... and the Ablotic: they need Sun ( light ) , Water ( Salt ) , rock and sand, oxygen , pediatric , system, clouds , temperature water movement weather . i didn't get to much information on Biotic -___-. I also got some really intersecting things about my animal that i didn't even know about like the length of an Killer Whale : 18 - 30ft (5.5) 9m they weigh up to 10 tons . There habits in open water areas of broken sea ice .
Mahh Killer Whale drawing :) !!!

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