Thursday, February 21, 2013


"I miss you , only time will tell when we will meet again , I remember the first time we met , summer of 2011 at Pitt pool lol I thought yu were a fool but I ended up likin yur foolish ways .. we became good friends nd I wish yu could come back , we lost a good person but god gained a good angel. R.I.p sadonte , gone but never forgotten - SANTAE <3

" Ralphy was my big brother , my goof ball with a beautiful personality & smile to match. he was the kind of person anybody can love. he's not here physically but he's always here spiritually i love him & I miss him but I know he's enjoying his vacation and ill see his beautiful smile again. He's gone but will never be forgotten because his name won't die in vein & our memories will live on forever. Love you Ralphy  - Ari 

Dear sadonte ,
only God knows how I feel :'[ it seems like yesterday you was sitting in my living room , busting me up in 2K  lol .. idc the remote was broken , and you was cheating  i miss you SO SO SO SOOOOOOO much <|3 you dead my blood cousin , words cant describe .. some days I cry till my heart hurts , other days I laugh & smile , only cause I know you hate when people cry .. everytime I was around you , only thing I would do is laugh and joke around ;/ the only thing that helps me keep my head up , is knowing that NOTHING could harm you anymore 
i love and miss you sadonte :'[ sleep in paradise <|3 watch over us and everybody who love you :[[  " riding till the wheels fall off " 

Sadonte i miss you i miss you i really really miss you /: i miss those days when i use to go to ya house to chill , you would always have me weak lol you didn't even have to say nothing all you had to do was put your little Chinese grin and it would bright my whole  i just really wish you could be here with us physically at least one time  but i mean you living better , no pain is going to come ya way you in good hands  but i have so much memories with you thats the only reason i make through the days with out braking down /: i love you so much sadonte ; the fact that i didn't say it when you was here hurts me  i truly do miss the old days man i wish you could just come back :(( smh REST IN PEACE BABY BOY YOU ARE DEARLY MISSED DOWN HERE .. YOU NOT HERE PHYSICALLY BUT WE ALWAYS KNOW YOUR SPIRT IS ALIVE    LONG LIVE SADONTE - SHINEL :)

Gooooodmorning Sadonte , iMissYouu Soo Much , iCan't Get Youu & The Funny Sh*t We Always Doo Off My Mind , R.i.P My Loove , #SadonteLives ! ` :-[

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